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William Paul McCartney
1 48193 734? Riverview, Wayne County, MI
1940(08/22) - 2025(01/10)

PROMISE KEEPERS 1993 BOULDER(last year there was only one conference - James Dobson also spoke that year but isn't highlighted below - might have been some others)
1. Crown Him With Many Crowns/All Hail King Jesus/We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise (5:04)
2. We've Come To Praise You (3:52)
3. Jesus Mighty God (3:11)
4. Pastor Greg Laurie (1:02)
5. He Will Deliver Me (3:22)
6. [Blessed Be] The Name Of The Lord (Live) (3:44)
7. Reverend E.V. Hill (1:04)
8. We Have Overcome (3:40)
9. Let The Walls Fall Down (3:33)
10. Dr. Howard Hendricks (1:56)
Dr. Howard Hendricks(FULL MESSAGE) (58:31)
11. Shine, Jesus, Shine (Live) (3:04)
12. He Is Able (3:35)
13. Dr. Jack Hayford (2:09)
14. I Will Celebrate (3:28)
15. He Has Made Me Glad (I Will Enter His Gates) (3:02)
16. Lord, I Lift Your Name On High (Live) (2:55)
17. Coach Bill McCartney (2:12)
18. Face To Face (2:44)
STAND IN THE GAP 97 WASHINGTON DCStand in the Gap Highlights (28:22)
1998(01/24)4Him "Performed at 'Sold Out 1998' Promise Keepers conference the day before the Super Bowl"
I went to the Promise Keepers Conference in Boulder in 1993, Indianapolis in 1994 and 1995, Pittsburgh in 1996, Saint Louis and Chicago in 1997, Indianapolis in 1998, Milwaukee in 1999, Chicago in 2001, Indianapolis in 2004, Virtual in 2020. I went to Stand in the Gap in 1997. Dan Coats talked for a little bit at one of the Indianapolis conferences(probably 1994 or 1995).

According to The Hartford Institute for Religion Research "PK, as it was popularly called, emerged from the obscurity of a small 1991 gathering of around four thousand men at its first conference in Colorado to fill stadiums throughout the nation for several years during the 1990s. By 1997, PK supporters estimated at 800,000 strong filled the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for 'Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men.' That PK event was voted the second most–newsworthy story of 1997." As I recall, the Boulder conference in 1992 had around 20,000 men, and the Boulder conference had close to 50,000 men(the capacity of Folsom Field). This meant in 1994, they needed to go to more than one conference in 1994 and later.

According to Time Magazine "In the spring of 1990 he and his friend Dave Wardell, an official of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, were preparing to travel from Boulder to Pueblo"

Bill McCarney was head coach of the University of Colorado football team from 1982–1994. Per wikipedia " McCartney's 1990 team was crowned as national champions by the Associated Press, splitting the title with Georgia Tech, first in the final Coaches' Poll." Folsom Field is the home field for the University of Colorado football team. I heard Bill McCartney and other speak live in 1993. While we were on a lunch break once during the conference, others and I were eating box lunches beside a path near the stadium and Bill McCarney walked by us quickly with a few football player looking guys around him.

As I recall, PK had planned on doing Stand in the Gap in 1996 but it was pushed back a year in part because they didn't want it too soon after Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March in 1995(10/16). There seems to been a common belief that had it taken place closer to when originally planned they may have had more than the 800,000 men, since 1996 was closer to PK's peak. Per wikipedia, the high estimate for the crowd at Million Man March is 837,000.

Below is letter I sent to people at my church

								28 JAN 1996

			Promise Keepers 1996 Men's Conferences

#	Date		City			Site		First Speaker
1	?		?
2	April 19-20	Los Angeles, CA
3	?		?
4	?		?
5	May 10-11	Minneapolis, MN
6	May 10-11	Detroit, MI
7	?		?
8	May 24-25	Washington, DC
9	June 7-8	Boise, ID
10	June 7-8	Syracuse, NY
11	June 21-22	Charlotte, NC
12	?		?
13	June 28-29	Chicago, IL		Soldier Field	Luis Palau
14	?		?
15	July 12-13	Pittsburgh, PA
16	July 26-27	San Diego, CA
17	July 26-27	Indianapolis, IN
18	July 26-27	New Orleans, LA
19	August 2-3	Eugene, OR
20	?		?
21	October 11-12	Memphis, TN
22	October 18-19	Jacksonville, FL
23	?		?

Conferences start at about 6:30 PM on Friday and end at about 10 PM on Saturday.  Cost
is $60 which includes lunch and dinner on Saturday.  To my knowledge BS, 
JS, Ed Stadick, and MZ are signed up for Chicago.

The is a need for 4,000 volunteers for the Chicago conference.  A particular need is for the
one specialized volunteer area, security.  I heard a pastor from Humbolt Park speak a few
weeks ago.  He has assembled groups of 500 rival black and Hispanic gangs.  He took a
number of gang members and former gang members to Indianapolis last year and hope to
bring 500 to Chicago this year.

One of the ?s above is Kansas City, MO.  Last year's conferences whose states aren't yet
represented above are Houston and Dallas TX, Denver CO, Atlanta GA, and Seattle WA. 

								Ed Stadick


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