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Below quote by my uncle Douglas Kittredge. For more background see townoak.50megs.com/religiousleaders/haroldockenga
"On March 26, 1961, Billy Graham spoke at the Harvard Law School Forum on 'Chrisitianity and the Intellectual.' I had played tennis with Johnny Ockenga that afternoon. Dr. Ockenga invited me to go with him to him and John to hear Billy Graham speak...When Dr. Ockenga stood to speak on the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, the crowd hissed my pastor. It was the most demonic sound I had ever witnessed and marveled at its intensity. Yet as the meeting ended those feelings were quickly replaced by the instruction to run to Dr. Ockenga's car in a pouring down cold March rain. Billy Graham strode in front of us chased by men I assume now were reporters. He got in the front passenger seat, John sat on my legs in the back seat, and two of Billy Graham's staff also sat in the back seat. While Dr. Ockenga pulled away, I was stunned to realize I was in the car with Billy Graham.
Dr. Ockenga introduced me to him as one called to the ministry. Billy Graham turned to me immediately and not taking Dr. Ockenga's word for it queried me directly. 'Yes, I believe I am called,' I confidently answered, and with that Billy Graham pronounced what became a blessing of certainty on my life. 'You will do well!'.
With that he turned back to Dr. Ockenga and lamented how poorly he believed he had done. I could not believe his humility and the spiritual courage yet grief that resided in that night's ministry...."
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