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Douglas Warren Kittredge(PCA)
1 02205? 617? Boston(BSTN), Suffolk County, MA
1946(07/26) - 2024(02/10)
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Paperback – June 8, 2016
Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem Paperback – October 1, 2023
>From "LATEST NEWS" on main page with similar articles. Retrieved 2024(07/11)

"Remembering Rev. Dr. Doug Kittredge
With heavy hearts we announce that Rev. Dr. Doug Kittredge, who headed up New Geneva’s Fredericksburg, VA, extension and faithfully taught courses and counselled students for more than twenty years, has departed this world to be in the presence of the Lord. Yet we know that what is loss for us is gain for our dear brother. Dr. Aquila will officiate his funeral service on Sunday, February 18, 2024, at 3:00 p.m., at New Life in Christ Church, 11925 Burgess Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22407. The service will be live-streamed here: Remembrances of Dr. Kittredge may be posted here: Dr. Mark House
[Added: 2/14/2024]"

MFMMMEffie May Imlay MacDonald worked for years at Raymond's
The Care of Park Street Church For My Soul
Below are excepts from a booklet my uncle put together in around 2006 when he did a presentation for Park Street's mission committee about his work in Isreal.

"The Care of Park Street Church For My Soul By Douglas W. Kittredge

One of my earliest memories is of the large columns cutting my view in half of the podium where Billy Graham was speaking at the Mechanics Hall in Boston in 1950. I remember the sawdust trail and the people walking the aisles in the croweded room. My parents were drawn to Park Street Church where the mid-century crusade began. When the crusade became too large, Billy Graham moved to the Mechanics Hall. My mother had recently become a Christian through the personal ministry of two women in our community and they invited her to Park Street Church.

As a four-year old, I did my best to resist my parents from leaving our neighborhood church to attend Park Street Church. But I soon resigned myself to long waits on the cold linoleum floor in the nursery in what seemed like an interminable wait for my parents to appear. My parents never wavered in their commitment to attend Park Street and the decision was life changing to me...

My sister Jeanette was counseled and married to Ed Stadick on November 21, 1959 by Dr. Ockenga...

On Christmas eve 1960, I told Dr. Ockenga about my calling to be a pastor. He invited me to his office. His office was filled with more books than I had ever seen. He had the largest window I had ever seen overlooking the Old Granary Burying Ground. He assured me that the gospel ministry was the best way to help people. He showed me his prayer journal and how he wrote each prayer request and the wrote when it was answered. He gave me three instructions which guided my life: 1.) learn German; 2.) pearch every opportunity you get; and 3.) exercise and stay in excellent physical condition.

On March 26, 1961, Billy Graham spoke at the Harvard Law School Forum on 'Chrisitianity and the Intellectual.' I had played tennis with Johnny Ockenga that afternoon. Dr. Ockenga invited me to go with him to him and John to hear Billy Graham speak...When Dr. Ockenga stood to speak on the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, the crowd hissed my pastor. It was the most demonic sound I had ever witnessed and marveled at its intensity. Yet as the meeting ended those feelings were quickly replaced by the instruction to run to Dr. Ockenga's car in a pouring down cold March rain. Billy Graham strode in front of us chased by men I assume now were reporters. He got in the front passenger seat, John sat on my legs in the back seat, and two of Billy Graham's staff also sat in the back seat. While Dr. Ockenga pulled away, I was stunned to realize I was in the car with Billy Graham.

Dr. Ockenga introduced me to him as one called to the ministry. Billy Graham turned to me immediately and not taking Dr. Ockenga's word for it queried me directly. 'Yes, I believe I am called,' I confidently answered, and with that Billy Graham pronounced what became a blessing of certainty on my life. 'You will do well!'.

With that he turned back to Dr. Ockenga and lamented how poorly he believed he had done. I could not believe his humility and the spiritual courage yet grief that resided in that night's ministry....

Because of the challenge by Dr. Ockenga to prepare for ministry and his continual interest in me, I pursued training at Wheaton College (1968) and Westminster Theological Seminary (1971). After serving in Trenton, New Jersey for four years, my wife and I planted a church in Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1975. Over the past 32 years, four other churches have been planted in our region and 44 in other nations. We have plans to plant 20 churches in our region and 20 more internationally by 2020.

After starting Isreal Theological Seminary in Tel Aviv, and working with pastors in Isreal, we have set as a goal a church planting movement in Israel through the Jerusalem Gateway Partnership.."

Pastor Doug’s Reflections on His Call to Ministry
Pastor Sean’s Call and Interview Questions
20191102 - Celebration of Pastor Doug and Mary Jane Kittredge
20191102 - 20191102 - Celebration of Pastor Doug and Mary Jane Kittredge - Part 2
Sunday Evening Word and Fellowship (4/19/20)

Mostly screen shots from above video "20191102 Celebration of Pastor Doug and Mary Jane Kittredge"
Karl and Debbie Dortzbach On left, Doug Kittredge standing by portrait of Harold Ockenga at Park Street Church. On right, portrait of Doug Kittredge at New Life in Christ PCA, Fredericksburg, VA. Someone at New Life in Christ Church wrote "Men's Breakfast has the privilege of hearing MR Fulks Share a testimony of God's works in him, and through him, and from him with Belvedere Plantation. A long testimony of faithful devotion to God with these two men."
Morten Bach wrote "Has this been recorded" Would like to hear it …"
I wrote "I have the same question as Morten and you have no idea how much I would love to hear it."
I'm third from left in back row I'm wearing gold "Wheaton College" shirt about middle of left picture

WARREN LAMONT KITTREDGE - father of Douglas Warren Kittredge video - audio of Warren playing the piano with a few still photos during audio.


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