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Larycia Alaine Hawkins
1 73125? 405? Oklahoma City(OKCY), Oklahoma County, OK

Wheaton, model strong leadership: defend Dr. Hawkins
"One of the most thoughtful responses is by Prof. Noah Toly, Hawkins’ colleague in political science at Wheaton. He writes, … [W]hile my answer to the question [“do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?”] might be described as “a complicated ‘no’” – much closer to and more sympathetic with a “complicated ‘yes’” or a “yes and no” than it is to a simple “no” – I am not persuaded by suggestions that this is a simple question. [Emphasis added] I seriously doubt that appeals to the Trinity, to Christology, or to the self-sacrificial love of the Christian God, as important as these are, can do all of the work necessary to answer it in a sophisticated way (though it’s worth noting that Muslims find the first two irreconcilable with Islam). Many of the conversations that attempt to answer this question are exercises in futility because the terms, including such basic matters as what it means to be the same or different, are inadequately defined.

Speaking Out on the Current Controversies at Wheaton College by Noah Toly posted sometime prior to 2016(01/10) with picture on the left
removed from sometime after 2022(11/20) quote above possibly from this article

That Was The Week That Was by Chris Gehrz(professor at Bethel University in Minnesota)
Posted on January 9, 2016

"Noah Toly became the first Wheaton prof to speak out, with a long, thoughtful reflection"

Message from Larycia to me regarding my situation on 2016(12/15) "I'll definitely be praying for this situation--it stinks to be exiled in effect from your own community."


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