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Peter N. Deyneka
375 ? ? ?, BY
1897(07/12) - 1987(07/29)
"converted to evangelical Christianity in 1920 under the ministry of Paul Rader at Moody Memorial Church. ... attended Moody Bible Institute and graduated from St. Paul Bible School in 1925 as valedictorian. When he returned to the Soviet Union he discovered only his mother and one brother were alive; his father, three brothers, and two sisters had starved to death during the Russian famine of 1921."
Deyneka, Peter N.375 ? ? ?, BY1897(07/12) - 1926(05/23) - 1987(07/29)
Deyneka, Vera Demidovich(W)
Deyneka, Peter Simon(2)1 60607? 312?,773? Chicago(CHCG), Cook County, IL1931(09/13) - 2000(12/23)
Deyneka, Anita(2W)
My brother-in-law worked for Slavic Gospel Association when they moved from the Wheaton, IL area to the Colorado Springs, CO area. He my sister and their family moved with the ministry to at that time.


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