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Beyond the Next Mountain
At the close of the 19th century, the British branded the
Hmar people of northeast, India as "the worst head-
hunters." It was a label well deserved at the time. But in
1910, a single copy of the New Testament Gospel of John
came to this tribe and changed
the course of history of the Hmar people. Through
that single copy of John's Gospel. Chawnga, the
father of Rochunga Pudaite, was introduced to a
revolutionary "new life in Christ." He and a few
tribesman "forsook all and followed Christ."
Chawnga believed that Rochunga was God's chosen
instrument to bring the Spritures to the entire Hmar tribe
in their own language. This is the story of Rochunga's per-
sonal pilgrimage. It is an unforgettable saga of his dedication to the vision and
of the Lord's direction in his life. Filmed in India, Hawaii, Scotland and
America, this beautiful film will be enjoyed by the entire family.
97 minutes / color
Former Bible for the World address 1415 Hill Av Wheaton, IL
After his retirement from teaching in 1975 Paul Moyer Bechtel served as Assistant to President of Bibles for the World, 1977, for which he served as editor for a Bible series.
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