(a thing page of
(alternate access at

>Evangelical Free Church of America
1 55440? 612? Minneapolis(MPLS), Hennepin County, MN
2023(06/29) Cairns "For several decades from the ‘60s to ‘80s, the conferences sponsored talent contests and Bible quizzing tournaments for young people"
2024(04/23) Cairns "You can read or download his biography, written by his son LaReau, to learn much more of how God used this remarkable man."
2018(01/09) Includes info on John Belushi at Wheaton Free

Info on some EFCA Churches(mostly in Illinois)

In 1971, when I was 10 years old, my family started attending Wheaton Evangelical Free Church in Wheaton, IL. I continued to attend there regularly until 1978 when I graduated high school. My parents continued attending there regularly much longer. My dad until he died in 2001 and my mom until around 2021 when it became more difficult to get down there.

Two of the main things that influenced me during Jr. High and High School at WEFC were AWANA and Bible quizzing. I'll talk about AWANA elsewhere. Here, I'll more talk about Bible quizzing here because among other things it allowed me to visit other Free Churches in the area. Some of those churches I've visited again in more recent times.

There are a couple of efca blogposts in the table above. One talks about Bible quizzing. The other talks about pastor A.J. Thorwall born 1890. That blog talks about A.J.'s biography written by his son LaReau. LeReau was a pastor at First-Moline and Wheaton described below. The cornerstone on the new part of Compass-Wheaton says 1996.

A. Active EFCA churches in the order in which they were formed

(A1) First EFCA in Chicago(5255 N. Ashland Avenue) formed 1881(02/11). talks about Pastor Bill Shereos who was there from 1999(12) thru 2017(01). Bill officiated when my wife and I got married on 2002(12/31). I also had contact with First Free a number of times in the 1970s thru Bible quizzing. I went to some quiz meets at First Free and also competed with them at other locations.

Although Bill officiated at my wedding we were married at Katherine Legge Memorial Lodge in Hinsdale. My wife knew Bill and his wife Wenda from a Bible Study they attended in the 1970s. That Bible Study has a big influence on them and a lot of other people more on that Bible study is at contains more info on Bill now, some of which is also contained other places here.

(A2) First EFCA in Rockford(2223 N. Mulford Road) formed 1884. says the church has been around since 1884 along with some other info. talks about the Countryman family and their long musical heritage at the church going back to 1884. has couples recalling their weddings at First Free. A couple of them talk about getting married at the "old church" at Fourth Avenue and Sixth Street in the 1970s. Those accounts mention a few pastors officiating at those weddings. Ken Meyer in 1972(06/23). Lareau Lindquist in 1977(11/05). Also Lindquist and Tim Dahlin sounds like in the new building in 1981(03/28). talks about the new building being dedicated 1980(06/22).

I went to some quiz meets at First Free and also competed with them at other locations. Those meets were at the "old church". As I recall the sanctuary as a big round room(and old).

(A3) Salem EFCA in Chicago(2038 N. California Avenue) formed 1887(09/06).
Salem is now Spanish speaking however a newer English speaking church(Good News Bible) is in the same building. has history of both churches. Salem is the launching pad for TEAM Ministries and Lydia Children’s Home.

I don't have experience with Salem but I have some experience with some people from TEAM. I was also on the Chicago Board for Lydia from 2004-2010.

(A4) Hope EFCA in Springfield(3000 Lenhart Road) formed 1889. says the church started as a mission at 1601 E. Carpenter Street. 1907(11/09) a separate home church started at 1835 S. Renfro Street. That church joined the mission in 1913 to form Hope Church. Some time between 1913 and 1986 the church moved to 1800 N. Grand Avenue W. In 1990 the church moved to Old Jacksonville Road & S. Koke Mill Road. In 2004 the church moved to 3000 Lenhart Road.

Bill Shereos was pastor of Hope from 1986 thru 1999. I mentioned my ties with Bill under First-Chicago. In (retrieved in 2025), Bill says "I first met with a spiritual director in a formal way more than thirty years ago after going through a traumatic season of life and ministry in Springfield, IL. Hope Evangelical Free Church in Springfield, IL."

The pastor as of 2025, Brian Mills has been pastor there since 2014.

(A5) Elgin EFCA(1900 Big Timber Road) formed 1894. says the church met at 1405 Wing Street from around 1895 thru around 1982(87 years). It started meeting at the Big Timber Road site in 1985. The bell from the old church is on display near the entrance of the new church. says Elliott Anderson was pastor from around 2004 thru around 2012. He was guest preacher there on 2018(01/14). John Dunkin became pastor 2019(04).

"Doing Life in Christ Together Elgin Evangelical Free Church EEFC 2022 Directory ...
STAFF John Dunkin Senior Pastor Boden Children's Sunday Morning Ministry Coordinator Lyle Office Coordinator
ELDER BOARD Keith Altieri Moxness Sevey Thurow"

I seem to remember Elgin Free a little bit from my quizzing days(possibly the old church building). Possibly they just came to meets at other churches for a year or so. In more recent times, I went to EEFC on 2022(09/11), 2022(09/25), and 2022(10/16). I went to prayer meeting there 2022(11/09), 2022(11/30), 2023(01/11), 2023(03/22), 2023(06/21), 2023(09/27), and 2024(06/12). I asked for prayer that I would be able to meet my grandkids and that I would be able to worship at Westminster PCA in Elgin once per year.

(A6) Lyons EFCA(4147 Prescott Avenue) formed 1894. says they had a building at 4043 Joliet Avenue until 1937. On 1961(12/03) they started meeting in their current building(which was built in 1875 by St. Mary's Catholic church).

Pastors have been Edson A. Fast starting 1959, Carroll Swenson starting 1962(09), R. Ivan York starting 1966, Carroll Anderson starting 1969, and Allan Peterson starting 1980.

Prior to 2002(12/31) when my wife and I got married, we did marriage counseling at this church. Bi As mentioned above Bill Shereos officiated at our wedding but since we weren't members of First EFCA-Chicago, he referred us to Lydia Home for counseling and they refered us to Allan Peterson pastor of Lyons EFCA.

R. Ivan York was later pastor at Compass-Wheaton EFCA so I know him some from there.

(A7) Bethel EFCA in Chicago(7601 W. Foster Avenue) formed 1899. has the year 1899.

Since 2023(03), Lenard Tavernelli has been the pastor.

My wife's brother-in-law has twin brothers who became involved with this church at age 14 when their mom died(around 1970). They both later became pastor's. One of them married the daughter of the pastor at Bethel.

(A8) First EFCA in Moline(3321 7th Street) formed before 1943.
I didn't find a history page for First-Moline, but did find some info about First on the history page for one of their daughter churches Faith-Moline(a few lines below).

Two of the pastors at First have ties Compass-Wheaton EFCA. Ray Schulenburg who became pastor at First in 1943 and LaReau Thorwall who became pastor at First in 1953. Pastor Thorwall was later pastor at Compass-Wheaton EFCA. A son of Pastor Schulenburg(Gordon) and Gordon's family were members at Compass-Wheaton during the year I attended there regularly. Gordon's oldest son Mark was a member of Christ PCA-Roselle/Wheaton when I was a member of that PCA church.

I'm pretty sure we quizzed with First-Moline but I don't remember having any meets at that church.

(A9) Calvary EFCA in Bourbonnais(2587 E. Armour Road) formed 1946. says in 1960 they started meeting at 650 Fairview Avenue, Bradley. They moved to their current facility in 2002.

(A10) Faith EFCA in Moline(6128 Airport Road) planted by First-Moline 1951(11). says the church building was dedicated 1953(04/26).

Pastors have been Roger Gustafson starting 1955, Earl Hurne starting 1959, Ray Faust starting 1962, Gifford Meyers starting 1973, Robert Page starting 1976, Randy Larson starting 1978, Ron Allen starting 1986(10/01), and Michael Kenneday starting 2000(08).

(A11) Compass-Wheaton EFCA(520 E. Roosevelt Road) formed 1952(02/24) as Wheaton Evangelical Free Church.
The building was completed 1954(04/01).

At the bottom of this page information from a Wheaton EFCA cookbook, included in that info is a list of pastors. Mike Weber is a later pastor who's name isn't in the list from the cookbook. Mike was the pastor until the church joined with Compass Church.

Since I have a lot of ties with this church, I've provided more details in a separate section below.

(A12) Harvard Avenue-Villa Park(206 Saint Charles Road) formed before 1953.
I didn't find a history page for Harvard Avenue, but did see two cornerstones near the main entrance of the church. The one on the right as you enter says 1953, the one on the left says 1966.

Prior to becoming a EFCA church, Harvard Avenue was a Bible church. I grew up near the church so I remember being driven past if frequently going back to the 1960s. In the 1970s, I remember seeing them frequently at the AWANA olympics when I was there competing with Wheaton.

Around the year 2000, the two founders of FOCUS Ministries worshipped there.

(A13) Orchard-Arlington Heights EFCA(1330 N. Douglas Avenue) formed 1953 as Arlington Heights Evangelical Free Church. says the church moved to the church building in 1970.

Colin Smith became pastor starting 1996.

During the years I did Bible quizzing, every year, the first tournament was always the Turkey Tourney at this church. We would always the first part of the book/books were studying. For example in the 1972/3 school year we studied the entire gospel of John, so at the Turkey Tourney we may have covered John chapters 1-6 or something like that.

(A14) CrossLife EFCA in Libertyville(431 W. Austin Avenue) formed 1953(08/10). says the first service at the church building was 1958(07/13).

Harold Youngberg was pastor from 1951(12/02) thru 1958(07).

(A15) Mount Morris EFCA(102 S. Seminary Avenue) formed 1956. says they obtained their building from the Church of the Brethren in 1958.

Bruce McKanna became pastor starting 2008.

I had a friend at Camp Timber-lee(the EFCA camp) from Mount Morris(presumably from this church).

(A16) Compass-Naperville EFCA(1551 Hobson Road) formed 1957 as Naperville Evangelical Free Church.
The previous church building was at 1433 N. Main Street.

Jeff Griffin became pastor starting 2014, now he is senior pastor of all the Compass churches.

Some time during my quizzing years, we went to the old church building at least once for quizzing between 1972 and 1978. I also went to a worship service at the old building probably in late 1983 or 1984.

(A17) North Suburban EFCA in Deerfield(200 Lake Cook Road) formed 1959(06).
The church was planted by First-Chicago EFCA. says the 1st building was dedicated 1961(03), the 2nd 1967(05), and the 3rd 1976(07/04)(an additional 1.75 acres had been purchased in 1968).

Vern Olson became the first pastor in late 1959. Tim Higgins is the current pastor based on info retrieved on 2025(01/21).

(A18) Village EFCA in Barrington(1600 E. Main Street) formed 1961(08). says the church building was completed in 1967.

David Jones became pastor starting 2010.

I remember Village Church from quizzing, my brother married someone from their quiz team. I stood up my brother's wedding there in 1988. The wife of my friend Mark Schulenburg(mentioned with First-Moline and Compass-Wheaton) is also from this church.

(A19) Chillicothe EFCA(434 W. Moffitt Street) formed 1962(09/02). says their first church building was at 4th and Pine(formerly Plymouth Congregational). They moved to their current building on 1985(11/10).

(A20) Oasis Community-Oaklawn(9000 Menard Avenue) formed before 1965.
This church was formerly know as Elim. shows a picture of a brochure from that church from 1965. It appears that a former address was 10000 S. Kostner Avenue.

(A21) Homewood-Moline(3303 60th Street) formed 1965(10/17). says "was the third branch work begun by the First Evangelical Free Church of Moline".

Mark Frazee became pastor starting 2010(08).

(A22) Rock of Our Salvation-Chicago(5628 W. Washington Boulevard) effectively formed 1967 as Circle Church.
Pastors have been David R. Mains from 1967 thru 1977 and Robert Louis Stevenson.
Glen Kehrein moved to the area in 1972. In 1974, he started Circle Community Center an outreach extension of Circle Church Free Church which later became Circle Urban Ministries.
In 1975 Circle Church acquired a former Catholic rectory at 118 N Central Ave(around the corner from the church).
In 1983/4 Circle Urban Ministries began working with newly established Rock of Our Salvation Church at the site where Circle Church had been. has history of the church site. has info on David Mains. and has info on Glen Kehrein.

I've heard on Circle church though the years as well as David Mains later ministry Chapel of the Air(which he took over from his uncle John D. Jess between 1977 and 1995). In September 1976, when I broke my arm, it was set by David Mains brother Doug who was a doctor at Central DuPage Hospital.

(A23) Taylorville(319 S. Washington Street) formed 1973(11/24). says rented meeting places(prior to their current location) included the Odd Fellows Hall, then 400 W. Market Street # 1, then 1120 W. Spresser Street. There current location was formerly Davis Memorial Church.

Don Beetem became Associate Pastor of Student Ministries starting 2000 and Senior Pastor starting 2017(06).

(A24) Chadwick(134 Main Street) formed ~1975. says 50+ year old congregation.

(A25) Itasca(716 George Street) formed before 1978.
I remember Itasca Free being in quiz meets prior to 1978(their quiz team was fairly new). says Pastor Matt Zaubi(of then Living Hope Fellowship) started before 2009(08/19)(when the webpage was updated). says LHF joined Orchard in 2010(11). Campus pastor is Ryan Potelicki started Spring 2024.

(A26) Good News Bible(2038 N. California Avenue) formed 1979(09/09). says started on 1979(09/09).

(A27) Park Hills-Freeport(2525 W. Stephenson Street) formed before 1980(09/14).
John Strubhar became pastor starting before 1980(09/14).

(A28) Lena planted by Park Hills - Freeport(720 N. Freedom Street) formed 1980(09/14). says the first service in the church building was 1982(07/04).

Pastors have been Tim Dahlin starting 1980(10), Dean Cernek starting after 1982(06), Mike Adams starting 1985(08), Larry Marvel starting 1991(06), Jim Erb starting 2000(04), and Casey Dwyer starting 2023(06).

(A29) Chicago International(2304 W. Taylor Street) formed 1981.

(A30) Grace-Aledo(606 S.E. 3rd Street) formed 1983.
Russ Young became pastor starting 2024(10). has archived history.

(A31) South Suburban-Homewood(18059 Lawndale Avenue) formed 1986. says started 1986 by Bill and Diane Reed. Prior to 1990 met near Dolphin Lake Park(2700 183rd Street) and Cathedral of Joy Baptist Church(20401 Western Ave, Olympia Fields). Current building build with help from Arlington Heights EFCA.

Pastors have been Bill Reed starting 1990 thru 2022 and Delbert D. Denny starting 2004.

(A32) Brimfield(11724 N. Maher Road) formed 1988(10/11). says originally met at F&M Bank(123 E Knoxville Street). Met at Brimfield Grade School(216 E. Clinton Street) starting 1991(10). Moved to their sanctuary starting 2003(12).

Russ Young became pastor starting 1991(01/18).

(A33) River Valley-Ottawa(1611 Adams Street) formed 1990.

(A34) Canton(1300 E. Chestnut Street) formed before 1998 says Matt Spangler became pastor starting 2018.


(A??) Hope-Roscoe(5656 Elevator Road) unknown formation date. Brad Schreiner is a retired Associate Pastor of Adults at Hope EFCA Roscoe. I knew him at Fellowship Chapel CMA Bolingbrook prior to that time. In 1993 we went to a White Sox Game.


(A87) Saint Paul-Petersburg(209 W. Douglas Street) unknown formation date.

More in-depth info on Compass-Wheaton EFCA

I remember every year, the first quizzing tournament of the year was at Arlington Heights Free Church(now called Orchard). WEFC is now called Compass. Some other churches I'm pretty sure we went to were First Free-Chicago, First Free-Rockford, and First Free-Moline.
I'm #5 in this picture

FoundedNameAddressPhone NumberPastor
1881(02/11)First5255 N. Ashland Avenue, Chicago, IL773-561-4175Matt Tinken
1884First2223 N. Mulford Road, Rockford, IL815-877-7046Luke Uran
1887(09/06)Salem(now Spanish)(See Good News Bible Church
below for English congregation at same site)
2038 N. California Avenue, Chicago, IL773-203-1468
1889Hope3000 Lenhart Road, Springfield, IL217-787-1446Brian Mills
1894Elgin1900 Big Timber Road, Elgin, IL847-695-8812John Dunkin
1890sLyons4147 Prescott Avenue, Lyons, IL708-442-7340Allan Peterson
1899Bethel7601 W. Foster Avenue, Chicago, IL773-775-2355Lenard Tavernelli
before 1943First3321 7th Street, Moline, IL309-764-3381Benjamin Sincock
1946Calvary2587 E. Armour Road, Bourbonnais, IL815-932-8733Duane Denboer
1951(11)Faith planted by First-Moline6128 Airport Road, Moline, IL309-762-5072Mike Kennedy
1952(02/24)Compass - Wheaton520 E. Roosevelt Road, Wheaton, IL630-668-6490Jeff Griffin/Brad Thayer
before 1953Harvard Avenue206 Saint Charles Road, Villa Park, IL630-834-2650Gordy Williams
1953Orchard - Arlington Heights1330 N. Douglas Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL847-392-4840Colin Smith/Brad Wetherell
1953(08/10)CrossLife431 W. Austin Avenue, Libertyville, IL847-362-8155Marty Crain(Interim)
1956Mount Morris planted by First-Rockford102 S. Seminary Avenue, Mount Morris, IL815-734-4942Bruce McKanna
1957Compass - Naperville1551 Hobson Road, Naperville, IL630-983-3232Jeff Griffin/Ryan Worsley
1959(06)North Suburban planted by First-Chicago200 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield, IL847-945-4630Tim Higgins
1961(08)Village1600 E. Main Street, Barrington, IL847-381-5221David Jones
1962(09/02)Chillicothe Bible434 W. Moffitt Street, Chillicothe, IL847-381-5221Karl Anderson
before 1965Oasis Community(9000 Menard Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL)630-795-9332Dave Abell
1965(10/17)Homewood planted by First-Moline3303 60th Street, Moline, IL309-797-2000Mark Frazee
1967Rock of Our Salvation5628 W Washington Boulevard, Chicago, IL773-854-1623Robert Louis Stevenson
1973(11/24)Taylorville planted by Hope-Springfield319 S. Washington Street, Taylorville, IL217-824-9473Don Beetem
~1975Chadwick134 Main Street, Chadwick, IL815-684-5019Mark
before 1978Orchard - Itasca716 George St, Itasca, IL630-773-1883Colin Smith/Ryan Potelicki
1979(09/09)Good News Bible2038 N. California Avenue, Chicago, IL773-252-7789Carlos Borges
before 1980(09/14)Park Hills - Freeport2525 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport, IL815-232-6159Chris Stukenberg/Alex Unis
1980(09/14)Lena planted by Park Hills - Freeport720 N. Freedom Street, Lena, IL815-369-5591Casey Dwyer
1981Chicago International2304 W. Taylor Street, Chicago, IL312-226-8026Del Shimandle
1983Grace606 S.E. 3rd Street, Aledo, IL309-582-5200Russ Young
1986South Suburban18059 Lawndale Avenue, Homewood, IL708-335-0700Delbert D. Denny
1988(10/11)Brimfield11724 N. Maher Road, Brimfield, IL309-446-3571Donald L. Blasing
1990River Valley Church1611 Adams Street, Ottawa, IL815-434-7230Joel Badal
before 1998Canton1300 E. Chestnut Street, Canton, IL309-647-4278Matt Spangler
2010(12)Orchard - Barrington1301 S. Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL847-852-2200Colin Smith/Tom Olson
2013(07)Orchard - Marengo20911 Ratfield Road, Marengo, IL815-568-6076Colin Smith/Justin Searles
2015Good News110 S. Johnson Street, Units 204 & 205, Woodstock, IL815-575-9224Mitchel Kirchmeyer
2015(fall)Park Hills - Winnebago500 W. Winnebago Street, Winnebago, IL815-232-6159 Chris Stukenberg/Jonathan Pierson
2017Orchard - North Shore(2400 Chestnut Avenue, Glenview, IL)847-531-9615Colin Smith/Josh Parsons
2020Orchard - Vernon Hills870 West End Court, Vernon Hills, IL224-864-1200Colin Smith/Tom Yoon
2023(11)Compass - Hinsdale(415 W. 8th Street, Hinsdale, IL)Jeff Griffin
1965Grace209 S. Main Street Orangeville, IL815-789-4606
1965Trinity Community Fellowship 1300 W. Clinton Avene, Farmer City, IL309-928-2273David Ashby
I don't have info on when the below churches were founded so they are sorted by zip code.
ZipNameAddressPhone NumberPastor
600105304Bridge180 Hawthorne Rd Barrington, IL847-421-9781Todd Berge
600131509Living Grace1500 Silver Lake Road, Cary, IL847-639-7566Cary Hughes
600146215Crystal Lake575 E. Crystal Lake Avenue, Crystal Lake, IL815-459-1095Jay Childs
600162410Des Plaines55 W. Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL847-635-7776Steven Hjelle
600254938Cornerstoneplanted by First-Chicago2 Shermer Road, Glenview, IL847-724-7277Matt Johnson
600312417Lakeland440 Hunt Club Rd, Gurnee, IL847-856-1240Dan Weyerhaeuser
600843448Life Bridge700 W. Liberty Street, Wauconda, IL847-526-8254Bob Boerman
600732901Lake Region Bible205 W. Washington Street, Round Lake, IL847-886-9550Marcus Johnson
600904450Our Saviour300 Schoenbeck Road, Wheeling, IL847-459-4440Adam Fix
601062628Bensenville Bible280 S. York Road, Bensenville, IL630-766-1944Ricardo Palmerin
601157903Crossview150 Bethany Road, DeKalb, IL815-756-8729Jeff Knitt
601189355Fox Valley37W073 Huntley Road, Dundee Township, IL847-844-1010info
601312907Filadelfia2900 Gustav Street, Franklin Park, IL847-455-4217
601484018International Community(1100 S. Fairfield Avenue, Lombard, IL)224-619-5975Manikanta Sai Ankem
601921586The Beacon(1500 W. Algonquin Road, Hoffman Estates, IL)847-344-7205Peter LeBlanc
603041627Village911 S. Taylor Avenue, Oak Park, IL708-665-3986Mark Doebler
604339545Faith Bible1600 Schuster Avenue, Joliet, IL815-723-3212Kevin Fiske
604403070Compass - Bolingbrook151 E. Briarcliff Road, Bolingbrook, IL630-739-2824Jeff Griffin/Mark Lennox
604689203Christ Community103 W. Corning Avenue, Peotone, IL708-258-3600Jason Prokop(Elder Chairman)
605645862Compass - South Naperville2903 103rd Street, Naperville, IL630-983-3233Jeff Griffin/Jon Kalvig
605869207Compass - Three Rivers23901 W. Rolf Road, Plainfield, IL815-439-8787Jeff Griffin/Jake McNamara
606186105Christian Fellowship3425 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, IL773-299-8126Tim Gioia
606344633The Brook3105 N. Oak Park Avenue, Chicago, ILEric Rivera
606412151Chicago Gospel Fellowship4024 W. Montrose Avenue Chicago, IL773-257-3746Tim Orphus
606412612Christ Our Savior3807 N. Lavergne Avenue, Chicago, IL224-616-8921Eric Lao
606413011Mount Olive3850 N. Tripp Avenue, Chicago, IL773-545-3234Bob Williams
609114026Trinity - Ashkum701 S. Front Street, Ashkum, IL815-698-5047Tim Tammen
609701900Trinity - Watseka1658 E. Walnut Street, Watseka, IL815-432-4070Bart Koester
61006Ashton Bible702 Main Street, Ashton, IL815-453-2190Farrel Stauffer
610211610Hope Bible732 N. Brinton Avenue, Dixon, IL815-677-9185Cal Callison
610328973Winneshiek3842 E. Winneshiek Road, Freeport, IL815-449-2202
610368300Galena Bible11108 US-20, Galena, IL815-777-1456Gary Kirst
610738880Hope5656 Elevator Road, Roscoe, IL815-623-6545Edward W. Klink
610813659Christ(312 E. 4th Street, Sterling, IL)815-408-1950Edward W. Klink
611093235Maywood3621 Samuelson Road, Rockford, IL815-874-6806Gary Kniseley
611093904Lao5881 35th Street, Rockford, IL779-221-2383
612541100Geneseo914 N. Chicago Street, Geneseo, IL309-944-4667Stephen Palm
61274Osco Community311 Main Street, Osco, IL309-522-5561
615487712Faith1337 Lourdes Road Metamora, IL309-383-4985Kurt Smith
617046227E-Free2910 E. Lincoln Street, Bloomington, IL309-663-6534Rick Wagner
618533775Community102 W. Riverbend Boulevard, Mahomet, IL217-586-5165Jason Schifo
613562636Christ Community1719 S. Euclid Avenue, Princeton, IL815-879-3227Brian Lord
623602804Bluff Hall951 N. 400th Avenue, Payson, IL217-656-4370Richard Moore
626751547Saint Paul209 W. Douglas Street, Petersburg, IL217-632-2718
Below are the owners of facilities rented by EFCA churches. Churches are shown above with address in parentheses.
ZipNameAddressPhone Number
626751547Glenview Park District - Park Center2400 Chestnut Avenue, Glenview, IL847-724-5670
601484018Grace Community Church-Lombard1100 S. Fairfield Avenue, Lombard, IL630-629-1494
601921586Chicago Korean Church1500 W. Algonquin Road, Hoffman Estates, IL847-359-1522
604531525Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church9000 Menard Avenue, Oak Lawn, IL708-422-1433
605214451The Community House415 W. 8th Street, Hinsdale, IL630-323-7500
610813659GPA BLDG/STERLING TOWNSHIP312 E. 4th Street, Sterling, IL815-716-8665

The below church meets at the former location of Jefferson Park Evangelical Free Church. Jefferson Park EFC no longer exists. Before becoming part of EFCA, JPEFC was called Jefferson Park Bible Church or just "Jeff". My parents met a JPBC in the summer or 1957. From 1977 through 1986, the senior pastor of JPEFC was Bill Shereos. See above under First Free-Chicago for my ties to Bill.
FoundedNameAddressPhone NumberPastor
2016(03)The Church Of The Chicagoans5518 W. Gettysburg Street, Chicago, ILelders

The below church worships at the former location of Naperville Evangelical Free Church which became Compass Church after moving the the Hobson address shown above
ZipNameAddressPhone NumberPastor
605632641Naperville Chicago Onnuri Church1433 N. Main Street, Naperville, IL630-753-9191

Below is some info from a cookbook. Some updates since the cookbook, Mike Weber was pastor after Lou Diaz until the church became part of Compass Church.

Recipes &
50th Anniversary Cookbook
A Collection of Recipes by
Wheaton Evangelical Free Church 1952-2002...
How Our
Church Began
The Church-by-the-Side of the Road was born in prayer.  During
the last weeks of 1951 and the first of 1952, a handful of folk with
pioneer vision and spirit, feeling that there was a need for a tes-
timony in a new, fast-growing section of out city, met several times for prayer
and consultation in various homes.  From the very start there was a distinct
consciousness of the Lord's presence and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in
the direction of the formation of the new work.

A dinner meeting was held on January 15, 1952, at the Carl Gunderson
home, with about 85 interested folks present.  It was offically decided to unite
with The Evangelical Free Church of America because of the similarity of its
aims, program and vision to that of the Wheaton group.  Dr. Stanley Olson,
who later moved from Wheaton to Texas, presented a tentative constitution.
Plans also were made to locate a suitable meeting place for Sunday servic-

On Sunday, February 24, 1952, the first public service of the Wheaton
Evangelical Free Church was held in the Masonic temple.  Dr. C. Raymond
Ludwigson, president of Trinity Seminary and Bible College, the official
school of the Evangelical Free Church, was the speaker.  His subject was
"The Love of God."  From the very first moment of that service the blessing of
the Lord has been in marked evidence upon every department of this new

In June of 1952 a call was issued to Rev. Wendell P. Loveless to assume
the full-time pastorate of the church.  The call was accepted and he preached
to the congregation on Sunday, July 13, as the first pastor of the church
Shortly thereafter, Ronald Wormser was called as an assistant to the pastor.

Sunday School had started in the basement of the old Gary-Wheaton
Bank, which was also used for adult classes and prayer meetings.  The
growth soon brought about purchase of the Roosevelt Road property and a
branch was started on Dawes Avenue.

Ground-breaking took place Easter Sunday 1953 with laying of the cor-
nerstone following on May 24.  A large group, including evangelist Billy
Graham, was present for the occasion.  Through the combined efforts of
members and contractors the church by the side of the road was completed
April 1, 1954.
Wheaton Evangelical Free Church
Senior Pastors
Rev. Wendell P. Loveless 1952-1957
Rev. Wilbur Nelson 1958-1959
Rev. Edwin Johnson 1959-1963
Dr. Larry Love 1964-1966
Rev. LeReau Thorwall 1967-1973
Dr. Douglas Culver 1973-1977 
Dr. R. Ivan York 1978-1990
Dr. Lou Diaz 1991-present


If you have any questions about this web site,
please contact our webmaster: Edward M. Stadick